In the wake of a grand corporate war, Aeon and Damian follow a trail of fake drugs into the depths of the city.

TIMELESS is a neo-noir action pilot following agents of the Mega-Corporation, Blackwater as they find themselves thrust into a grand conspiracy unraveling the mystery of a new group of murders.

The pilot is currently in it’s festival run.

A Thirst for More: The Timeless Companion Comic Book

by Ben Young

Featuring an original story and an exclusive behind the scenes look at TIMELESS.


In the wake of a grand corporate war, a pharmaceutical company, Blackwater, has taken the reins of the city of Tiberius. Now their private military is sicked like dogs on the population, who are slaves to the drug that won them the war: Dynamine. Those who can’t get it through traditional means are left with few options, dangerous and addictive street versions that can make them rage like beasts or mutate into horrible creatures.

After months of preparation, more than a year of writing, Timeless began principal production in February of 2023. The film over the course of 8 days in Savannah, GA

We want to do what Stranger Things did for movies like The Goonies and The Breakfast Club for cyberpunk/ neo-noir films like the original Blade Runner and Robocop. It’s important to embody ideas like pharmaceutical drugs and the opioid crisis, which are issues that millions of Americans face, in a way that doesn’t feel explicitly about that. On the surface, what is a fun action romp, has undertones of addiction, drug abuse, systemic issues, and more. This is a genre that is hot, with social commentary that is relevant. There has never been a better time for TIMELESS.